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Joshua Eugene Durbin - Online Memorial Website

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Joshua Durbin
Born in California
4 months
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mama Love I love you April 11, 2008

Dear Shannon,

I just want you to know that I love you so very much.

You are such a beautiful girl inside and out.

Joshua is looking down and watching you, and he is so very proud of his Mommy.

He is our little Angel.

I love you sweetheart.

very much!


Love always,

Mama Love xoxox

Nancy God Bless You April 10, 2008

Dear Shannon and Family,

Your lives were all touched by baby Joshua and will never be the same without him and yet my prayer is for you all to be able to draw strength from each other and God.  I can only imagine the loss of a child.  You truly must have a legion of angels around you comforting you.  My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Anonymous Sorry for your loss April 10, 2008
I am so sorry for your loss. He was a cute little boy. My son had the same thing happen to him when he was born reading made me feel like you where writting my life. I am really sorry for you great loss.
Wendi Lombard Ethan's Mommy April 10, 2008
Dear Shannon, I can't begin to tell you how much my heart breaks for you to know that you are without your little Joshua just as I am without my little Ethan. I look at the photos on Joshua's site and I hurt for you,...he is so beautiful. Seeing you holding his photos with tears in your eyes moves me incredibly... those feelings are all too real to me too. There is just nothing to compare to a loss such as ours and the terrible reality that there are just so many questions we do not have answers to... :( -- Joshua is so incredibly beautiful and it is so easy to see that he is loved more than words could ever say. I am so sorry that we had to meet this way, but I sincerely thank you for your kind words of comfort. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers, and a special big hug up to Heaven for your little Joshua. <33!!
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